WishGarden-Serious V-fighter 2oz
Body aches, chills, fatigue. We all know the symptoms and we all want them gone ASAP. Serious V-Fighter is the formula you need for healthy immune support. This formula can ease some of those achy discomforts and respiratory challenges in the moment while helping you recover faster.
- Provides "in the moment" immune support.*
- Supports healthy mucosal tissue and soothes throat & irritated bronchioles.*
- Eases achy discomforts and supports optimum body temperature.*
- Gluten-free.*
Serious V-Fighter should not be taken while pregnant or breastfeeding.
Ingredients:Lomatium root (Lomatium dissectum), Bee Propolis, organic Myrrh gum (Commiphora molmol, C. myrrha), Elderflower (Sambucus nigra), Boneset aerials (Eupatorium perfoliatum), Yarrow aerials (Achillea millefolium), Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), Grindelia herb (Grindelia robusta, G. squarrosa, G. camporum), organic Thyme leaf (Thymus vulgaris), organic Osha root (Ligisticum Porteri), organic gluten-free alcohol, vegetable glycerine & Rocky Mountain artesian spring water."
2oz pump bottle