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Lemon Balm Aerials

Lemon Balm Aerials

Excluding Sales Tax

Spp. Melissa officinalis

Fam. Lamiaceae

Slightly warm. Nervine, sedative, antispasmodic, carminative, antiviral and diaphoretic. 

Lemon balm has a delightful lemony scent and flavor that please kids. For that reason, it is often used in relaxing, sleep, and digestive blends for both children and adults. It is said to also help break fevers, and ease headaches caused by stress. 

Found in our Beat the Heat, Immune Booster, Calm Child, Peaceful Times, and Tummy Tamer Blends.

Kosher and USDA organic

39025 HWY 299,


(530) 629-4300 

Trinity Herbals and Wellness Center is happy to provide all natural and organic bulk herbs, organic bulk spices, organic spice blends, organic bulk tea blends herbal and black, tinctures, supplements, books, skin and bath products, essential oils and aromatherapy products, herbs for pets, children and more.

Trinity Herbals and Wellness Center is not responsible for the improper use of any herbal products or herbs listed on this website or sold in the store.  Any information that is given on the website is intended for educational purposes on how these herbs and herbal products were traditionally used.  This information does not replace any professional advice given by any physician.  The products and information listed on the website and given in the shop are not intended to treat, diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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