The rose one of most sensuous and romantic flowers inspiring poets and artists for centuries as the symbol for love and beauty. One of the flowers steeped in legend and symbolism that still holds today with its mysteries.
Greek mythology: The goddess of flowers, Chloris one day found the body of a beautiful nymph and asked the help of the Three Graces to create a very special flower out of the lifeless body of the nymph. They gave the flower joy, brightness and charm. Then she asked Aphrodite the goddess of love to add a special nectar to create a beautiful perfume, and Zephyr the wind god to blow away the clouds so the precious flower could open her petals to the sun. The rose was now born and crowned the queen of flowers, the symbol of Venus and the symbol of love.
Eastern traditions: The original rose was stirred into life by the first rays of the rising sun in the Great Garden of Persia and since then its seeds have been carried over and spread to all the lands.
As the symbol for love both when lost and won, the rose has been immortalized in this verse
“How much of the memory dwells amidts thy bloom, Rose! Ever wearing beauty for thy dower! The bridal day-the festival-the tomb-Thou hast thy in each, thou stateliest flower!”
The myths of colors:
Roses have been cultivated for over 5000 years and there are 150 natural species worldwide. The myth of the red rose is that the foam that dripped from the body Aphrodite when she emerged for the sea turned into white roses and later as she mourned over her love Adonis her tears turn a white rose red. In Muslim folklore one of Muhammed’s wives was accused of adultery. He gave her a bouquet of red roses and told her to throw them in the pool and they turned yellow indicating her guilt. In Jewish folklore a man once accused a woman of a crime in retribution for refusing his advances She was burned at the stake. The fire did not kill her but killed him and from his ashes red roses grow symbolizing his teachery. From the ashes at her feet grow white roses symbolizing her innocence.
The Latin term Sub Rosa or “beneath the rose” refers to secrecy. A rose hung from a ceiling
indicates that anything that takes place beneath it should be held in upmost confidence. In
Greek lore, Aphrodite gave the rose to Eros, who gave it to Harpocrates, the God of silence,
symbolizing the necessity for secrecy in certain amorous affairs-we don’t kiss and tell. This
explains why images of roses sometimes appear on confessionals. The first rosary is associated with rose in many ways and the first rosaries were made from hardened rose petals and scented with rose.
Rose Color Symbolism:
Red: to empower and inspire a person. Used to uplift one’s spirits.
Pink: Unification of yin and yang. Used to amplify our inner magic and beauty
Orange: To catch the attention of others. To attract more power in our magical intention.
Yellow: Increase luck in everything you do and creates abundance
Rose (Rosa sp.)
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Day: Friday (Powerful day for Rose magic)
Astrological sign: Taurus
Crystal: Rose quartz
Chakra: Heart Chakra, 4th chakra (3 below, 3 above..connecting physical to spiritual) Anahata
Actions: Hormone balancer, cools heath in the liver, aids digestion, aids circulation, kidney and heart tonic (restores kidney function).
Astringent: helps bring tissues together to establish more tone
Demulcent and emollient: bring moisture to skin and soothes skin
Aphrodisiac: works great combined with damiana
Antispasmodic: Assists in menstrual cramping and tension of all kinds including mental
Mind: Opens and soothes the mind, helps you to respect other people’s perspectives,
Heart: inspires self-love, deepens your relationships with others, open the heart, reconnects
you to own heart, teaches us to love ourselves and others again, brings in passion and joy
Soul: sweetens the soul, increases love life, heals ancient wounds, heals a broken heart
Powers of the Rose: Love, Psychic Powers, Healing, Love Divination, Luck, Protection
Magical Uses: Use in love mixtures to invoke love in your life, attract a partner, bring more love into your current relationships with lover, friendships, family members and to yourself. Rose water is added to love baths, rose hips are worn as love attracting beads, a tea of rosebuds drunk before sleep induces prophetic dreams. To discover your romantic future women used to take three green rose leaves and name one for each lover and the one that stays green the longest is the answer to which lover. Rose petals and hips are used in healing spells and mixtures. Rose water saturated in a cloth over the temples will relieve headache pain. Roses are added to fast-luck-mixture and when carried act as personal protectants. Rose petals sprinkled around the house calm personal stress and household upheavals. Roses planted in the garden attract fairness. Drink rose tea if your heart is aching with frustration from feeling unseen, unheard, or misunderstood. Rose will help you and the other person open to each other’s point of view.
Rose requests you value yourself, and helps you keep your self-respect in all your relationships, particularly the intimate ones. When necessary, you can show your thorns. Your body is a scared space, and if you don’t act that way no one will either. If a relationship has ended, especially through betrayal, and if your heart feels damaged, any use of rose will slowly but surely help your heart to heal, and your self-love to rebirth itself. Roses are magical. Unlike lavender Roses are not easy to handle, her prickly nature is part of her medicine and it increases as she ages. She gets more powerful and thorny with time, and yet her blossoms stay just as intoxicating and delicious, her hips just as sustaining and fortifying.
Rose essential oil: Used to banish anxiety and to remove stress. Rose essential oil expands
awareness outside oneself..use in meditation. Used to calm household tension and calm and clear emotional responses. Used for protection self, loved ones and friends (thorns) and boundaries. Promotes courage with confidence reminding us we are capable.
Wild Rose Flower essence: Will to live, Joy and commitment to life despite trials or pain. For
depleted soul and heart. Restores the vital forces of the soul especially in reconnecting the soul to physical body and physical world. This essence teaches that life is sacred and the soul must make every effort to embrace to find the true meaning of love and physical reality of this dimension.