Common name: Cinnamon
Latin name: Cinnamomum spp.
Element: Fire
Process: Evolution (Brings Matter into Spirit) and Involution (Bringing Spirit into Matter)
Energy: Drying, heating, stimulating
Planet association: Venus, Sun
Part of plant used: Inner Bark
Day of the week associated: Friday (day of Venus) Sunday (day of the Sun)
Taste: Spicy, aromatic, sweet
Body: Dries excess moisture in tissues, increases circulation, reduces fevers, assists in the common cold by warming the system and stimulating immune function, increases sense of smell to increase awareness throughout the body centers, increases digestive forces, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, tonic for the intestines, pain reliever, increases energy, decreases symptoms of digestion causes by stress, decreases bleeding, strengthens uterine muscles, assists with nausea and vomiting, stimulates nervous system to assist its regulatory function to provide a sense of calm, stimulates metabolism, assists in weak digestion, reduces abdominal cramps and spasms, balances glucose levels and contains a high amount of anti-oxidants.
Mind: Cinnamon helps us to find motivation and our spiritual will without the use of false power. She will help you find clarity about what actions to take based on your true convictions. Cinnamon warms us up and dispels stuck or repeating thoughts to clear our mind. Her warm energy can help dispel fear, sadness, depression and anxiety to allow the creative and inner fire to burn to bring in the light. Cinnamon helps us to make clear choices by invigorating our inner being to step into our heart’s despite of the outside world. She can help us get motivated when feeling down and allow us to help transform our emotions when out of balance by clearing our way through what feels dark. She is said to enhance our psychic powers by increasing our awareness and proved us a clear path to our Higher Self.
Soul: Cinnamon helps us to develop our psychic abilities and intuition by clearing the way to hear our Higher Self. It is said that Cinnamon raises our vibration to assist with changes and life transformations. She helps draw in creativity, inner strength, inner will and brings us inspiration to what is possible in life. Cinnamon lights the way towards our Soul purpose by bringing a sense of awareness of what needs to be released and transformed through the path of Self- love. Call on Cinnamon when you feel you have lost your way or feel your inner spark is dimming. She will bring you an invigorating and warming sense of inner will and divine inspiration to help you hear your Soul, your inner voice and open you to your divine mind and align you with your Spiritual Will.