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Plant of the Month: Cacao

Marianna Voulgaris

Cacao pods hanging from the tree.
Cacao Plant

Common name: Cacao

Latin name: Theobroma cacao

Element: Elemental Spiral: Representing Water, Earth, Air and Fire

Process: Evolution (Brings Matter into Spirit) and Involution (Bringing Spirit into Matter)

Energy: Warming

Planet association: Venus

Part of plant used: Pod Seed

Day of the week associated: Friday (day of Venus)

Taste: Bitter, sweet and Earthy

Body: High in anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory, high in nutrients such as magnesium, potassium and iron, high in minerals and flavonoids, regulates blood sugar, increases digestion, stabilizes energy levels, promotes relaxation, lowers blood pressure, improves circulation and increases red blood cells, promotes longevity, supports sexual function, increases cognitive function, supports kidney health, lowers risk of diabetes, support healthy vision and brain function, increases mood and alleviates depression, regulates cholesterol levels, boosts immune function, improves heart health

Theobroma translates to “food of the God’s” and has been used in Mesoamerican rituals and ceremonies for thousands of years. The Maya say that Cacao was a gift from Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent for people to remain heart centered and energetic. It is said that Cacao emerged from creation, the World Tree that serves as a conduit to connect all three worlds, the Underworld, Earth and Sky. She represents all cycles of life bringing death to the old, birth to the new and re-birth to transmutation and transformation cycles in our lives. The word “Cacao” comes from the Mayan word Ka’kau meaning “heart blood” and Chokola’j meaning to “drink together”. “What would a God’s food be besides Love?” Keith Wilson. Cacao is an entheogen plant: “Entheos” in Greek means God within: which is said to take us closer to God, to meet the divine within us. She is gentle is her ways in by showing us the door but not pushing us through it.

She is a symbol of connection, culture, family, ancestry and love. Cacao is the rainbow bridge from our lineage to right here in connection to all of life helping us to remember who we are and why we are here. She brings in the essence of nourishment and being held by the divine mother with an embrace. Her pods grow in all colors of the rainbow and she is found deep within the rainforest. Her pods are representation of the Great Mother Earths breast. “Coco del miel” milk of cacao is drank from the fresh pods and is in fact how they discovered Cacao. It is said one day while drinking and by throwing pods in the fire after the milk was drank and discovered the aroma.

Cacao is said to open the heart chakra to open to well-being in ways of receiving nourishment to assist in healing and self-love. She is heart opening that allows us to connect to our inner self and wisdom with a sense of safety, ease and confidence. She opens blood vessels to the heart to re-vitalize and open pathways for nutrients and chemicals to get into the tissues.

Cacao clears the mind and improves focus and intuition while connecting us into Mother Earth herself. She offers us the sense of being held for us to see the opportunities for personal growth and transformation. Cacao is said to energize and relax the mind bringing us ease, divine inspiration reminding us that we are safe and connected to something much greater. Cacao offers the symbolism of community and welcomes all sides of us in to cultivate and receive through her rainbow bridge, as she inhabits the depth of the rainforest with all its glory.

Cacao revitalizes all elements and many systems on the body with a tremendous amount of flavonoids, minerals, nutrients and vitamins. There are over 900 compounds that we are still discovering today.

Cacao is still used around the world in ceremonies today for grief, love, weddings to represent union, rites of passage, funerals, birth ceremonies and many others.


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